Hi All,

I need to get this working for a demo tomorrow and, as Murphys Law Predicts, the one Stack I have the Save problem with is the one that everyones will be looking at with a magnifying glass!

I tried everything I can think of to rid myself of this message dialog. I have set "destroyStack" to true, I have sereral other stacks that are basically the same as the one in question but do not put up the "do you want to save" dialog and can see no real difference between the ones that don't and the *one* that does!

I can the Stack files if this would be of help.

RIght now, I just don't know where to even start looking for how to fix this problem, any ideas would really be helpful. I really don't want to have to answer the question "Why does this window produce a Save FIle Dialog?", because the only answer I can give is "I don't know". Also the question "Can you stop it from appearing?" would be quite bad too, since the answer to this would be "no and nor does anyone else".

It would just make RunRev look really bad as a development tool.

Thanks a lot

And saving the stack shortly before closing it (but not in the closestack or closestackrequest) does not work?

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