> > I've got a CD-ROM that has a Revolution app running on it, 
> and I want 
> > that Revolution app to create an alias, pointint to itself to the 
> > user's desktop. I know that I can use the defaultFolder to find the 
> > path to the app, and I know I can use "the 
> specialFolderPath" to find 
> > the path to the desktop.  Can anyone tell me how I could pass these 
> > parameters to Applescript to perform the alias creation?  
> Will I run 
> > into issues with the difference in how Applescript vs. Rev 
> handles the 
> > "/Volumes/" string, or how the CD-ROM path is formed?
> Is there a reason you can't use the create alias command in Rev?

Yes, unfortunately there's a bug in Bugzilla (#1059) about the inability to
make aliases to apps in OS X because they are "folders", and 'create alias'
only works with files.

You can use the revMacFromUNIXPath functions to convert the '/'-delimited
paths to ":"-delimited ones that Applescript likes. You can then do this:

put "tell app" && q("Finder") & cr & \
  "set tFile to" && q(tPathToApp) & cr & \
  "make new alias file at" && pAliasPath && "to tFile" & cr & \
  "set the name of (the result) to" && q(tAliasName) & cr & \ 
  "end tell" into tScript
do tScript as AppleScript

Oh, q() is my function that wraps quotes around things:

function q pWhat
  return quote & pWhat & quote
end q


Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web Site: http://www.sonsothunder.com/

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