Thanks Chipp, but this (toggling messages) doesn't work for my situation. This is really annoying . . . I'm pretty sure I solved this problem with the earlier version of Rev but I can't remember what I did. Surely there are others who are experiencing this problem??

Cheers , Roger

On May 27, 2004, at 11:56 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi Roger,

Yep, I find the same problems with 2.2...bummer. It's pretty easy to
fix. When you encounter the problem just click on the revMenuBar
messages button to turn them off, then turn them back on, and everything
should work as planned.



Roger Guay wrote:

Hello List,

I just loaded Rev 2.2 and a couple of annoying problems returned that I
had fixed in the earlier version: One is that Cmd-M does not bring up
the Message Box, and the other is that Cmd-Option gives me the Script
Editor not only for control that the mouse is over (which I have elected
for in Preference) but also for the Script Editor itself. I'm sorry I
forgot how to fix these and promise I will write it down if someone will
set me straight again!!

Thanks, Roger

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