I'm not sure what the answer to your retort should be.

My problem is that there are some websites that spew forth data at an
alarming rate that I need to pull the raw data back out -- and use it for
other nefarious purposes.  That said, having a way to clean the grabbed page
and return it to something more useful (like a database) will make the
information useful to me -- not composed in some fashion by a government
web-site in a form they think should be digestable to the rest of "us."

Java.  Not.


> Another happy user goes batso!
> On Thursday, June 10, 2004, at 07:57  AM, Bob Nelson wrote:
>> Okay, so has anybody got any pointers for existing code someone has
>> used to
>> dispose of HTML from a web page?
>> Thanks!
>> Bob
> I always thought an executable website works best if it is set up like
> a java applet that crashes the browser... :-) That's always been my
> favorite.
> Welcome to the revolution. ..."the revolution will not be televised."
> Mark

I'm so depressed.  My doctor refused to write me a prescription for
Viagra.  He said it would be like putting a new flagpole on a condemned

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