Hi All,

Le 18 juin 04, à 22:15, J. Landman Gay a écrit :

On 6/18/04 1:27 PM, Troy Rollins wrote:

I can't tell you how many times I've types "myVar =" to start setting the value of a variable. This is not the kind of thing even someone _completely_ new to programming would do, simply because they would only know the syntax as defined by Rev. Similarly for those coming from other "Card script" languages.

Actually, coming from HC, it was just about as frustrating for me as it has been for you. The two environments are similar enough that I thought I ought to know how to do things, but different enough that I ended up with the same frustrations you are having now. Richard Gaskin and I have both walked a number of x-talkers through the Rev learning curve and it always seems to go the same way -- Richard has a good list of responses that I can't recall exactly but which is close enough to the norm to make me laugh out loud each time I read it. It starts off with something like "I hate this damn program" and ends up with "How did I ever live without this?" Maybe he'll repost -- and you will see that you are definitely not alone. ;)

As many ones there, i loved HC and had some frustrations when i switched to SuperCard 2.5 and again in switching to Metacard and again in switching to Rev but to the end :

1.- Hypertalk + Fred's XCMD + Windowscript + Resedit = SuperTalk ; SuperTalk + Compil-It + Marionet < Metatalk < Transcript

2.- The IDE are'nt always as simple as the previous one was but, to the end, they are always more and more powerfull...

HC was a closed tool where Rev challenges SmallTalk, Eiffel, Lisp or Java...

-- Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED] HyperActive Software | http://www.hyperactivesw.com _______________________________________________ use-revolution mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://lists.runrev.com/mailman/listinfo/use-revolution

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