On Jul 1, 2004, at 11:53 AM, Dan Shafer wrote:

My guess is that the blocker would allow a ZIPped version of the exe file through just fine. At least that's been the case every time I've run into this problem.

Mail filters at Universities and large institutions can be smarter than that. It is no big thing for a server to examine the content of attachments, and not difficult to look inside a zip file... nor to determine that a .doc is actually an executable... and these folks need to do just that. After all, an executable with a .doc extension has a term - trojan. Anyone doing that is setting themselves up to be filtered, rather than achieving the intended goal. A trojan is a trojan, friendly or not. I wouldn't recommend it, or you could also find yourself blacklisted.

Better to provide them a download link.
RPSystems, Ltd.

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