Has anyone posted a set of tips for avoiding screen flashes when... opening stacks, cloning stacks, etc. ?

I have a number of unsightly flashes in my app no matter how many times I lock the screen, unlock the screen, etc.

The worst one is like this -

I have a stack which is used as a resource stack. It is generally loaded but "invisible." Sometimes the user may wish to review or modify this stack, which I allow them to in "as sheet" mode. The sequence of events looks like -

lock screen
set the visible of stack "Resource" to TRUE
go to card 1 of stack "Resource" as sheet

Which of course causes a flash of the stack and then it slides in as a sheet, or in the case of Windows, pops on.

Cloning a stack set to invisible causes similar issues.

I took a look in the archives, but don't see much consensus on what will cause the flash for sure, and how it might be avoided. In fact, it sounds as though, in most cases, we're just stuck with it?

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