Hi Marty,

We really should get together and compare notes!

(But after I shake this cold I've had for going on three weeks now which
is precluding me from seriously looking at the excellent arrays
suggestions offered by Richard and the others...).

Yes, I use globals for two main reasons:

(1) I sorta, kinda understand how to use them
(2) I aim the class for non-programmers.

Still, I intend to use my summer off to explore custom properties and
arrays and the like!  (You know, make the class more geek-friendly for the
many geeks taking it to get their easy "A" -- NOT!)

--who's feeling much better after a bit of vicodin & wine...

On Wed, 7 Jul 2004, Marty Billingsley wrote:

> The global variable is a pretty standard programming concept.  I'd think
> that you *would* want to use them in a beginning programming class.  Of
> course, if the students already understand global vs local variables from
> other languages (or previous assignments in Rev), then introduce custom
> properties.
> I use global vars with my students for pretty much the same thing as
> Judy does.  It's a beginning-beginning programming class, for 8th graders.

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