Hi Ken. You may be correct on this. In fact, I think you are. I picked up this particular unit for old time nostalgia. In the after glow of which I thought I would experiment with it hoping that Rev might be coaxed to run on it without modification to the Mac. However, reality often bites. In seeing how early a Mac unit might work well with Rev and this CNC project I may be stuck with using a 6100 model because of the limitations you are pointing out.

I am by first training an archaeologist and sometimes can't let go of a functioning past!

In any case the CNC project is a very practically based real world project and will be made to work on the first reasonable equipment platform which may be an old Windows box. But, I would then work back through my Mac inventory. It seems that a small, practical CNC program for the Mac which will run on pre-OS X computers might be useful to some people I have begun to run across in my searches.

Ken Norris wrote:

Hi mark,

Date: Thu, 08 Jul 2004 19:44:15 -0600
From: Mark MacKenzie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: CNC software by Rev

I am actually aiming to use a Mac Plus I picked up a few weeks ago just
to see if I can and what Rev is capable of doing when pushed or
stretched on "marginal" platforms and operating systems.  I think it
would be kind of cute to see an old Mac all in one running this rig.

Question: How will you run even a Rev standalone on a machine which cannot have more than 8MB of RAM?

In fact, I've never seen a Rev - built app run on one of those. It'll be interesting to see if it's at all possible.

Ken N.

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