On Jul 10, 2004, at 3:04 PM, Kaveh Bazargan wrote:

Stop using AppleScript. Use Transcript or shell scripts.

Sounds like a good idea. But how do I send a Transcript from Terminal to RR?

I'm having a little trouble picturing what you are doing.

If your Revolution app runs the scripts with shell() then the results will be returned when the shell script returns.

If the shell script runs the Revolution app, then that gets more complicated unless you use the command-line engine. There you can communicate with stdin/stdout. If the Revolution app does a single thing and then quits then its result could be left in a file.

If the shell script and the Revolution app are running independently, then you might try experimenting with communicating through named pipes. I have had problems, but I was doing a sort of catch-22 thing with shell(), so you will likely have better luck. You might be able to "telnet" to a Revolution app, or otherwise use sockets.

My approach would be to put the app in Revolution and do tiny shell() calls as needed, but primarily do the work in Transcript. Consider what can't be done in Revolution.

If you need several command line apps running at the same time, then you will wish 'open process' worked in OS X. A workaround would be to use appleScript to use terminal and then use 'open process' on Linux and when it is ready on OS X. I've created externals that effective do an 'open process' of a sort, so making an external is an option.

Dar Scott

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