Le 20 juil. 04, à 04:35, Andre Garzia a écrit :

I think you can't listen and open connections at the same time... do like this, change port, then launch server then connect from your favorite browser...

The same idea, there and be carefull not to have an other deamon listening on the port you are trying to use (aka Apache)

Test something like this, below :

on newconnect s
  read from socket s for 1 line with message "serverread"
end newconnect

on serverread x,y
global PostIn,Retour,Lepath,MajDesIndexs1
put urldecode(y) into PostIn
put cr into char (length(PostIn))-1 to (length(PostIn)) of PostIn
put "" into Retour
set itemdelimiter to "&"
iStreamSwitch -- the application's logic goes there
write Retour to socket x
close socket x # x = adresse IP & "|" & n° d'ordre du socket encapsulant l'échange de données
if the num of lines in (opensockets()) > 1
then close socket line 2 of (opensockets())
else exit repeat
end repeat
end serverread

on socketTimout end socketTimout

on PreOpenStack
if the short name of this stack is not "istreamserver" then pass PreOpenStack
global Lepath,dbUsers
put " Please, wait. iStream app's server loading..." into fld "status"
set twelveHourTime to false
put "iStream app's server up since" && the short date & "," && the short time into binfo
get the filename of this stack
set the itemDelimiter to "/"
delete last item of it
set the defaultFolder to it
put it & "/" into Lepath
open file Lepath & "iStreamUsers.txt" for read -- 1
read from file Lepath & "iStreamUsers.txt" until eof
put it into dbUsers
put " " & the result after Pboot
close file Lepath & "iStreamUsers.txt"
set the socketTimeoutInterval to "10"
if the num of lines in the windows is "1"
accept connections on port "948" with message "newconnect"
put "with proxying keycode 3 actived..." into thep
accept connections on port "9482" with message "newconnect"
put "with proxying keycode 7 actived..." into thep
end if
if the result is not "" then
open file Lepath & "iStreamLog.txt" for append -- 2
write cr & the result & cr to file Lepath & "iStreamLog.txt"
put " " & the result after Pboot
open file Lepath & "iStreamLog.txt" for append
write return & return & "Open sockets :" && the opensockets & return & return to file Lepath & "iStreamLog.txt"
end if
close file "iStreamLog.txt"
replace " eof" with "" in Pboot
if the num of words in Pboot > 0 or DbUsers is ""
then put "iStream app's server not up :" & Pboot into fld "status"
else put binfo && thep into fld "status"
put the files into ERBList
filter ERBList with "*ERB.rev"
repeat for each line l in ERBList
if l is not in the stacksinuse then start using l
end repeat
insert the script of stack the short name of this stack into back
end PreOpenStack

on openstack
  if the short name of this stack is "iStreamServer" then
    if the num of lines in the windows > 1 then hide window "Home"
    set the tool to "browse"
  end if
end openstack

on opencard
  if the environment is not "development" then start using "libURL"
end opencard

on ERBSrvUpdate
global Lepath,Retour
set the defaultfolder to char 1 to -2 of Lepath
put the files into ERBList
filter ERBList with "*ERB.rev"
repeat for each line l in ERBList
if l is not in the stacksinuse then start using l
end repeat
repeat for each line l in the stacksinuse
if l is not in ERBList then stop using l
end repeat
put "ERB's active components :" & return & return & the stacksinuse & return & return & \
"ERB's successfully updated." into Retour
end ERBSrvUpdate

try that...


On Jul 19, 2004, at 11:25 PM, Björnke von Gierke wrote:

I can't get my socket code to work.... maybe someone of you can give me a hint why I do not see anything in the opensockets?

"server" button:
on mouseUp
  accept connections on port 80 with message "webConnect"
  put "Accepting" & return before field "log"
end mouseUp

on webConnect RemoteIP
    put "socket:" && the opensockets & return before field "log"
  put RemoteIP & return before field "log"
  read from socket remoteIP until ":"
  put it & return before field "log"
end WebConnect

"client" button :

on mouseUp
  open socket to ""
  put theSocket & return & mess
  write mess to Socket theSocket
end mouseUp

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Andre Alves Garzia  2004
Soap Dog Studios - BRAZIL

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