--- Bob Hartley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi All.
> I have a wee app half made at the moment. It is a
> database app with the 
> card file saved as data. A bit like the edb tutorial
> app in runrev.
> When I click on a saved database eg mydb.sdb (sdb =
> skoosh database) the 
> skoosh database.exe app is launched to run the .sdb
> file.
> Now if I close the window, there is still a task
> skooshbase.exe running. If 
> I load the app 5 times and close, there are 5 copies
> of this in the tasks 
> running. These can be 8Mb so you can see that if
> someone opens this 30x 
> before closing down windows, there could be a memory
> usage problem.
> Or do I not understand windows properly and this is
> normal.....?
> Cheers
> Bob

Hi Bob,

The standalone won't quit if there are any hidden
stacks open or if there are any pending messages.
I'd recommend to change the script of your stack to
explicitly quit the standalone.

Jan Schenkel.

"As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish at the same time."  (La 

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