On Jul 20, 2004, at 4:30 PM, Brian Yennie wrote:

I dunno if this helps at all, but if the issue is with opening some other stack mid-script and having that affect your object references later in the script, you could consider wrapping up your own stack opening routine which maintains the defaultStack:

on openStackSafe stackName
   put the defaultStack into saveDefaultStack
   open stack stackName
   set the defaultStack to saveDefaultStack
end openStackSafe

Thanks Brian, this is similar to the technique I described, too. In some case, it works, of course.

Or is it more than you have long-running background scripts that interact with specific stacks?

Exactly, and generally, those scripts, instead of messing about with the defaultStack, just address their issues using explicit paths. It would seem that sometimes explicit paths are the most straightforward way to deal with the issue. Probably the only real error I made was in assuming that others had encountered the need for similar pathing syntax due to extensive use of callbacks and async operations. Basically, my program loads and unloads stacks, creates objects and new stacks, saves stacks... many many times, and frequently with no user interaction whatsoever - all based on callbacks and data received from network and serial sources at relatively unknown intervals.

But further on this... if the defaultStack is closed, what determines what the new defaultStack is?
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