I jut started to test Rev 2.2.1 (the 30 days trial version), and I face a problem while using profiles.

I have a stack with 2 profiles. I use them to have different languages: the "Master" profile for English, a second profile, called "French", for French language.

On MacOS X, I check the preferred language defined in the system preferences and switch the profile according to the language, using the command revSetStackFileProfile.

The standalone, built using Rev 2.1, does work fine.

But with Rev 2.2.1, I can't make it work.

I have tried all the profile options in the new standalone settings "include profiles on objects and the profile library" with "include all profiles", also tried with "Only include profiles selected below" and "French", also tried "Set all objects to profile" sets to "French", but in all cases, the standalone is always in English, never in French.

Worst, the command revSetStackFileProfile returns an error when runs in the standalone, but works fine from within the IDE.

I suspect the profile library is not added to the standalone.

Is it a new bug in 2.2.1 ? Can't find it in bugzilla.

Does someone have a solution ?

Thank you.


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