On 22/7/04 1:31 pm, "Malte Brill" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> 2.) Rev-online. I think this could become a cool place if it gets used. What
> I really would love to see is how big in KB/MB the stacks are (I just looked
> at it, so maybe this is somewhere I havent found yet) I created an account a
> few minutes ago. If you download the Stack from my users section mind it is
> 2.xx MB.

I can see the point of that.  Rev Online will be used for serving videos to
people on broadband and stacks are likely to be smaller than that, but I'll
make a note.  I don't know if it will be in this release or the next one.

> 3.) Dreamcard. Will this have the same IDE or will it look differently? I
> donīt understand the term " smoothed off interface" Does this describe what
> the Interface is going to look in *all* versions?

Essentially yes, though some options aren't available in Dreamcard, those
being noted in the FAQ.

> I also would like to say that I am happy about the Player approach.
> I havenīt looked at it too much by now, so maybe the following is redundant,
> as it might be already implemented:
> I think it could be useful if the player would allow Autoplay for CD Roms.
> This could be implemented by looking for a simple text file e.g. toc.txt
> with only one line of text holding the relative path to the stack that
> should be played. This would be a big plus (if it isnīt already possible).

I think this should work with the current implementation, let us know if you
have any trouble getting it to.

> Also I havenīt found a way to browse the local directory (but I just looked
> at it for a few minutes). Also I would like to know which components is in
> the player:
> imagelibrary/externals/cursors/...?

We'll be shipping the Player as a separate download to test by itself
shortly.  When we do that you can check what is included.

> The new toolbar: It looks more modern. I liked the old one better, but I
> think I will get used to it.

Yeah, its always tricky when we make a change to the appearance of anything.
Ultimately though the old toolbar was really dated and we had to update it.
I don't think we're going to be able to get something that suits everyone,
stability was a higher priority than providing extra icon sets, and the new
one does looks clean, modern and functional.

Thanks for the feedback.

Kind regards,


Kevin Miller ~ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ http://www.runrev.com/
Runtime Revolution - User-Centric Development Tools

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