In a message dated 07/22/2004 05:00:49 PM, 

> Almost
> all PDF viewing applications rely directly or indirectly on Acrobat
> and/or an Adobe plugin. And that's just to display the file, let alone
> break it apart and show it in some other format.
> -- Not quite so. There is the Ghostscript library and code. I started but not 
finished porting large parts of that library in x-talk over many years. 
However to really finish it, transcript needs to be finished too ;-) My dream of 
25yrs is the marriage of postscript and hypertalk ;-) It came close for a brief 
moment in freehand 3.1 but Altsys hated Hypercard. I know more but NDAs 
silence me. :( Please, I saw how intense oop of graphics could be with scripting. 
Its more than PDFs.
Lets do it!

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