Dag Wouter,

As I was not in front of my computer and it was something out of the top of my head, I couldn't test.
So here is the correction for completeness sake:

constant origTabs = "30,60,90,120,150,180,210,240,270" ---- or whatever format

on resetcolumns
    set the tabstops of fld 1 to origTabs
end resetcolumns

on showcolumn x
  get origTabs
  repeat with i = x to the num of items in it
    add <wideCellValue> to item i of it
  end repeat
  set the tabstops of fld 1 to it
end showcolumn

Tested it on all kind of fields (list included) and it works over here.

I am sure this will work (somehow ;-), but not in my case!

I haved a simple list-field with a simple "mouseup" handler...
And some disabled buttons with fixed size (what else!) as the "labels" for the "columns"...

The "vgrid" will be at the right location -> the sides of these buttons,
but the text of that field is not, because of my 60 px left margin...

With a TAB set to e.g. 200, the text will go to 260, but the "vgrid" will display at 200

Now i just want to use the "vgrid" to prevent ONE column from "overflowing"
into the next TAB... (That's what i really want!)
Nothing less and nothing more :-) A simple but FIXED display!

If i use your technique, the whole field will be "out of sync"...

Know what i mean?

I am afraid i will have to use a fake listfield BELOW my listfield, remove the
wide left margin completely and FAKE again what i want to achieve ;-)



Klaus Major

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