On Friday, August 6, 2004, at 07:19 AM, Dave LeYanna wrote:

<answer><I don't Know> Is his book "self-published"? </I don't Know>, <advertisement> if so I can help save some costs because I am a partner in a Printing On Demand publisher. We do ISBN and everything including a listing in "Books in Print". I'm sure that I'm cheaper than anyone else. PLUS we are on demand meaning that he doesn't have to buy any up front inventory. </advertisement>

<I don't Know> BTW how far has he progresses on the three vol. set? </I don't Know>
<gee, that's not good> I purchased the "Pre-pub" deal (option C) and haven't heard a thing since the pre-pub of
vol. one. </gee, that's not good>
Dave </answer>

I do ISBN too.


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