Stephen King wrote:

Tuviah wrote..

MDI, ActiveX how many people need these vs things like answer file with
extension. Seems not many from looking at the bugzilla votes. If you want
these features, vote for them:-)

Just a thought on the voting system...If (and its a big if) the user base is predominantly focused towards one platform, doesn't this mean that voting will also (probably) skew the feature requests towards that platform? This is not necessarily a problem, but if there is an intent to spread the net more widely, then it could be counter productive? Are all feature requsets looked at from a vote view or is a bigger picture used too? Just a thought.

I think the system is more like a democratic republic than a true democracy: our votes don't determine the agenda, but they provide guidance for those who do.


 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Media Corporation
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