Hi, Steve, Judy, Klause,

Sorry, I've only been have half-attending/understanding. I have a HC stack with the line

play "applause"

"Applause" was just a HC sound file. Translated into Rev the new stack works fine on Mac and Windows. However the only Windows machine I can test it on has QT intalled. Are you saying this won't work if QT is not installed in the Windows machine?

If I change the script to 'play audioclip "applause.wav"' AND install a "applause.wav" into my Rev stack then it should play fine on Windows machines without Quicktime?

Steve, what do you mean by "One has to script the player bit...."?


Stephen King wrote:

Hi Judy, Klaus,

After carefully reading your post Klaus, I have now (embarrassingly) cracked
my problem of playing WAVs without QT.
I hadn't fully appreciated the difference between the PLAY and PLAYER
'objects'. I mistakenly thought that PLAY was simply similar to PLAYER but
with data stored rather than a filename reference.
Not so it seems. You are absolutely right that 'Play Audio Clip' does indeed
play WAVs fine on Windows. One has to script the player bit, but at least it
all plays.

I also had this response in a Bugzilla but hadn't appreciate the
significance at the time.
Must learn to read the docs more carefully :-)

Thanks for this. Helps a lot.


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