J. Landman Gay wrote:

On 8/20/04 11:04 AM, Richard Gaskin wrote:

If one's picky about minimizing typing, because most of those are handled by the engine you can use the case block's fall-through feature to trim the code -- this version also handles "Select All" for objects:

on menuPick which
   switch which
   case "Cut"
   case "Copy"
   case "Paste"
   case "Undo"
     do which

Picky purist point: using "do" forces the compiler to run and can slow the script, which is why I use the redundant form.

Yes, in older, slower xTalks one might get a noticeable difference between "do" and the natural message path.

But it's a whole other world with Transcript -- this script tests timing of both the natural message path and the "do" command:

on mouseUp
  put 1000 into n
  -- test 1: natural message flow
  put the millisecs into s
  repeat n
  end repeat
  put the millisecs - s into s1
  -- test 2: do:
  put the millisecs into s
  repeat n
    do "SomethingElse"
  end repeat
  put the millisecs - s into s2
  put "Natural: "& (s1/n) &"ms/iteration    Do: "&(s2/n)&"ms/iteration"
end mouseUp

on DoSomething
  get 1+1
end DoSomething

on SomethingElse
  get 1+1
end SomethingElse

When I run it on my PBG4 1GH I get:

  Natural: 0.013ms/iteration    Do: 0.016ms/iteration

So yes, using the do command is slower, but only by about 0.003ms.

Given that the menu script is responding to a user action and no user will be faster than 0.003ms, there's no perceptable savings to the system's performance, but using do can offer immediate savings for developer productivity.

While curmudgeonly, there is a practical point here:

With Transcript you can often make choices that put your productivity as a developer over concerns about "fast" or "slow". Those terms are relative, and as we've seen with accessing custom properties vs. globals the actual differences are often very small, imperceptable at even 10,000 iterations or more.

When in doubt benchmark, and consider whether the script in question will be responding to a direct user action....

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Media Corporation
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]       http://www.FourthWorld.com
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