I'm not a beginner at site building and static page development, but I am a complete novice at anything interactive, Perl, databases, etc. I need to have a page that will take a button with multiple items on it, and depending on which one is chosen, go to another page and place a corresponding SKU into a field to be used for paying a percentage of a sale to the account of the "partner" that was chosen on the original button. Does that make sense? Each button item will have a corresponding SKU, and that will be a "partner" that gets a cut of a sale.

Anyway, can anyone recommend a web-based or other tutorial that will teach me how to do this type of thing, or is this something that Revolution can do for me behind the scenes? As I say, I'm truly clueless how to make this (and other things of the sort) happen remotely, but I'd like to learn. Referrals to the appropriate learning tools would be greatly appreciated.


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