On 8/24/04 4:26 PM, Mark Brownell wrote:

Is it possible to simulate a key combination click?

I'm trying to simulate a (Control & C) and (Control & V) from a menuPick for "copy" & "paste." I have a popup menu that allows me to use a field with textLock true on mouseDown and the textLock false on mouseUp. This enables the mouseDown to pass the mouse message to the popup.

If I can use the already perfectly working key combinations I won't have to write custom handlers for these two menuPick selections.

Do you need to do anything besides plain old copy/paste? If not, then those two commands are enough.

I think this is what they mean by "deja vu all over again." :)

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com
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