Ken Ray has this tip posted on his Web Site (


To hide an application process in OS X, open the Info.plist file in the Contents folder of the application package. Add this to the <dict> section (it doesn't seem to matter where):


Doing this will remove the process from the Dock, and from any menus that list active (visible) processes. To show it again, you can either put in a 0 instead of a 1 for the <key>, or you can remove the whole thing.

--end quote

I tried it and it didn't work, then I noticed in the mail list archive that this apparently was broken in Panther. I searched Apple Developer web site and discovered that the name of the key has been changed to LSUIElement.

So insert the following to create a faceless application (one that doesn't appear in Force Quit list or in Dock):

<key> LSUIElement </key>

It's best to use the Property List Editor application to do this rather than a text editor.


Devin Asay
Humanities Technology and Research Support Center
Brigham Young University

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