On 8/26/04 1:21 PM, Ken Ray wrote:

On 8/26/04 12:43 PM, "Klaus Major" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I added 2 other comments, but no response, the thing is "resolved as

I searched desparately, but did not find this "included" new feature...?

Actually, it's not the textHeight, but the margins. If you set the margins
to a large value, the button text shifts up. It's still an odd effect,
though, because if you're showing the button itself (i.e. it's border, etc.)
the icon and the text that goes over it is not vertically centered to the
button - the icon remains where it would be if there was text below it; it's
just that the text moved.

This is weird. If you set the margins using a single number ("set the margins to 20",) you get what you describe above. If you set the margins using a series of four numbers ("set the margins to 5,10,20,10"), it only uses the first one.

BUT: If you set the margins using a single number, which forces the text label upward, and then you set the topmargin separately -- voila -- the icon moves down.

And THEN: thinking that setting the bottomMargin separately would then move the text upward again, I did that. And both the icon and text moved up together.

At any rate, it looks like you can get good results by doing this:

  set the margins to 20
  set the topmargin to 25

Or something similar.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com
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