From the video, this looks like one sweet app, Chipp. Congratulations!

And the video is a superb way to take people through the function of Magic Carpet. I especially like the way you take the time to explain the nuances of the various files in the files list, how they are made, stored and retrieved...down to making sure that people know that a version number entered in Magic Carpet does NOT affect the version number set in the app itself. A really nice touch!


On Aug 26, 2004, at 7:38 PM, Chipp Walters wrote:

Hey all, just thought I'd let you know we just released our latest
product- "MagicCarpet." It runs on both MacOSX and WinXP.

MagicCarpet is version control software and has a plugin for Rev users
as well. The Rev team has used it in developing the latest version of
Revolution and we're hoping to ship it with a future version of Enterprise.

The website is at:

We've also added a pretty cool learning system we call
"Video Classroom" which walks you through step-by-step, setting up and
using MagicCarpet.


Chipp Walters
Altuit, Inc.
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