
I had problems with the default folder path during development and final distribution so I learned to put things in my preOpenStack and then to check for "development" as the environment. This works for menus as well. I kept this in the standalone build since it doesn't 'hurt' anything.
Below is two things I do now on a regular basis, I just snipped them from my code. The fix is for the path and the setmymenus is for installing menus outside of the development environment. I first tested the menus in development and then have them actually set up outside of the development environment.


On preOpenStack
    if the environment is  "development" then
    fixDefaultFolder -- (code below)
        setMyMenus -- (whatever you need to do to set up your menus)
  end if
end preOpenStack

on startUp
  if the platform is "Windows" then
    set the dontUseQt to true
    set the dontUseQTEffects to true
  end if
end startup

on fixDefaultFolder
  put the fileName of this stack into tFileName
  set the itemDelimiter to "/"
  get item 1 to -2 of tFileName
  set the defaultFolder to it
end fixDefaultFolder

On Sep 8, 2004, at 11:45 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I also like to put this in an on startup handler and check if we are in
the IDE and act on that. So that if we are still in the IDE then don't
set the menus and on build then set the menus. (after testing them of
course in the IDE)

-- please explain more and with some code. I want to handle installing a menubar for mac/win32 smoothly and still work in IDE. Thanks for the help. :)


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