What I'm looking for is something in the Property Inspector that would allow
me to specify an object as the script provider for another object.
References like target and me would still operate as if the actual control
were used, but it would be as if you had typed the same script into fifty
buttons manually. Change the code in the master control, and all the others
immediately have access to the changes.

Unless this ability already exists, in which case, carry on...

Select your 50 buttons (or whatever objects you want to inherit the script) and group them. Now put your script in the group's script, not in each buttons. If you click in one of the buttons, but there is no "on mouseUp" in the button script, the message will pass to the button's container, in this case the group, and can be handled there. If you want all the objects on your card to call the same handlers, you can put the handler in the card script.


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