Thank you for the confirmation, Jacqueline. Now I think I understand the use of stacks in CGI projects. They are a convenient and safe place to develop and run CGI scripts, as an alternative to text file CGI scripts, or to access existing information as read-only databases, but they cannot, or at least not easily, be run as stacks in the usual sense with the card metaphor and the revision of the contents of containers.

That's fine. It just means storing database records in related text files and having the CGI stacks work with those. Revolution is very good at handling text files in any case, and their portability is probably an added benefit.


        "OK, dynamics with tension,
           fun and laughter for all."
                -John Lennon (Lost Weekend Sessions)

On 9/9/04 8:00 PM, Gregory Lypny wrote:

Hello everyone,

Jacqueline's Fiction Search example uses a text script cgi to search a
stack and display the results. Is it possible for users to add, delete,
and records in a similar database-like stack by posting from a web
form? My intuition tells me that the answer to this is no because that
would involve GUI commands such as Create Card, Delete Card, and Save
Stack (permissions). Am I correct?

On Sep 10, 2004, at 1:22 AM, Jacqueline responded:

I can create and delete cards, but I can't save the stack. Regardless of
the permissions set for the stack or where it is placed, the engine
needs to create a temporary backup file, and it can't do that. Or at
least, I can't make it do that. I also tried putting the save command in
a closestack handler in the stack's script (didn't work,) as well as a
custom handler that the cgi calls, but that doesn't work either.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software           |

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