>> I just will like that most of the Linux programs
>> were that easy to install! ;-)

>How does it handle the customary file type associations, icons, and
>installation into the Start menu on KDE and Gnome?

The same way I do in Windows.  I don't use the installer, I just use the zip
file, unzip it, and create a shortcut (actually I just modify the existing
shortcut).  All the installer does is create a program group (shortcuts) and
register the uninstaller in the registry.  There are no file associations.
To uninstall the zip version, I just delete its folder.

Now I did run the installer on one of the 2.5 iterations, just to see if
there was anything new they were doing, which they were - the player and the
decoder install.  But now that I have those (which I don't even need), I
just use the zip file.

Jay Madren

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