From the description of your requirements I would recommend that you look very closely at Director.
Director will do all of the things that you have specified.
If you know the Rev Transcript langauge then you will find Directors verbose syntax (as against the "newer" dot syntax) to be very similar. If you know ActionScript then you will find that Director has Java as an option. Director and Flash communicate with each other extremely well.
The main problem is that this project integrates XML, databases, multiple
languages, and interactive graphics. I haven't found a tool that does all
this gracefully and think Rev or iShell may be the closest I'll get.

Director does all of these. In my opionion Director is better than iShell.
Director is also cross-platform (Windoze and Mac -- no UNIX) and you can create standalone applications for both OS from the same source (similar to Rev)

Just my $0.05 --  we don't have 2 cent coins in NZ ;-)

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