I have had the double open stack thing happen in a few standalones. I use the 'on startup' and 'on shutdown' messages instead.

Don't know why it happens though.



On Sep 24, 2004, at 7:20 AM, Bruce A. Pokras wrote:

I have a single-stack rev project in which the stack script has both an openstack handler and a closestack handler. Doesn't sound that unusual, does it? However, when compiled as a standalone with Rev 2.5 under Mac OS 9.1, _both_ the openstack _and_ closestack handlers run before the stack window appears. Then, once the stack window appears, the openstack handler runs _again_!

There are not other openstack or closestack handlers in the stack. I checked the documentation to see if this was normal, but could not find anything. I worked around this problem by testing for the existence of the stack window in the openstack handler, and changing the closestack handler to a closestackrequest handler.

Does anyone have an inkling why a closestack handler would run upon starting a standalone, and why an openstack handler would run twice?


Bruce Pokras
Blazing Dawnsoftware
use-revolution mailing list

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