Bonjour tout le monde,

In Dreamcard documentation, for the revCurrentRecordIsLast function, it's written that "Returns whether the current record is the last record in a record set (database cursor)."

In my recordset with 3 records, when the cursor is on the first record, revCurrentRecordIsLast return false. It's Ok for me.
After moving the cursor with revMoveToNextRecord to the second record, revCurrentRecordIsLast return false. It's still OK for me.
If I move the cursor to the third and last record, revCurrentRecordIsLast still return false. With the upper definition, the result should be true. The third record is the last one.
But revCurrentRecordIsLast return true only if I use revMoveToNextRecord once again. In short, revCurrentRecordIsLast return true when revMoveToNextRecord return an error. And it is the same for revCurrentRecordIsFirst.

Is it a bug or I'm stupid ?

Jérôme Rosat
use-revolution mailing list

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