
> Sorry, Xavier, as I mentioned in another note, I was thinking 
> of the animation manager. So, the BS is all mine but it was 
> unintentional.

So im happy to hear that you are better. I am too, I found, located and
pinpointed the bug finally! Im just relieved that the customer was right!

Was this the worst way to announce this problem? Yes, probably in some of
points of view, however you can also look at it as something that will make
the geometry manager solid as a rock and dependeable for all - which doesn't
seem to be the case today since many still spend time writing their own!

For some this looks as you dont dare eat the food you prepare! What's the
expression again? Someone hinted at this privately and it's parodical in
this situation! Believe me, I take this seriously and in this case, you dont
know how many of you might already be bugged! 

The GM is one of the greatest features of RunRev. In my development
methodology it's far too economical. I've considered writing my own many
times but was only too happy to see one work! 

It certainly is my favorite RunRev feature. It is reliable with simple stack
controls (do read the revupdategeometry docs though). For large stacks with
over 100 controls, it's indispensible and very economic!

I posted a "simple" bug demontrator for those interested in my conclusions
to this bug at the end of


Maybe this will bring light to the problem. And now, all you know what not
to do with the geometry manager or you will be in trouble. This bug is quite
invisible, hard to track, happens easily and without warning. 

Thanks to those who voted on this bug - I've made my share of angry people
at me again but not without reason IMOHO since i've proven my case and the
danger involved for all guis using the GM. 

Please accept my apologies if you felt targeted - you werent! Im just trying
to help - maybe not the best way but one that got at least and finally a

I hope to make it worth a while when the ControlsBrowser comes out -
hopefully with a newer more helpfull GM editor. Those two who voted for this
bug will get a free license for the lite version when it is finished and a
discount for the Pro version - coming out some time in the future. 

Still finding the bug doesn't resolve the problem for the DiscreteBrowser
stack with over 400 controls implicated... 

Revolutions do not happen smoothly or overnight usually...

And soon we will all use the best GM in the industry without
surprises and get on with the greatest programming environment
out there!

The revolution will not be televised... - Gill Scott Heron

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