Salut Ami Klaus !

Ton français, parfois un brin châtié, ne prouverait-il pas que tu es polyglotte jusqu'aux détails les plus "autochtones". Chapeau Monsieur ! En combien de patois indo-européens différents pratiques tu l'ironie des mots qui nourrissent la gentillesse et l'élégance ? Et c'est quelqu'un qui regrette de ne pas maîtriser assez l'anglais pour pouvoir apporter sa propre contribution à la saine ambiance qui règne (le plus souvent...) dans notre si agréable tribu qui le dit ;-)

A++, Pierre

P.S.: A short mail to congratulate Klaus about the detailled approach about its french spoken knoweage :-)

Le 19 nov. 04, à 19:23, Klaus Major a écrit :

Hi Richard,

I'm stuck in an Internet cafe in what is widely regarded as one of the
least Internet-access-friendly cities in the world, Rome. It took some
time to find this place, and as with most such locations here there is no
wi-fi (most here have never even heard of it), so I'm patiently typing on
an Italian keyboard, trying to catch up on my stuff.

Now you know how i felt in Malta with Frederics french keyboard under my hands...
Mon dieux, c'etait casse-couilles ;-)

My point:

I had about 30 messages in my In Box related to this thread. I get tons
of email like this everytime you're unhappy, Xavier, which is often.

So here's my offer to simplify both your life and mine: Please find
another development tool whose list I am not on, and contact me offlist
to arrange for me to help get you a license. You will at last no longer
be encumbered by what you express as incompetence in both the vendor and
its fans, and my email will be reduced to the subset that is of interest to me.


I'll be back at my desk in a couple days, and look forward to only one
more email on this topic, a personal note to me about the new tool you've


I almost wet my pants, Richard, very good one :-)

- rg

Best from germanki

Klaus Major

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