Dear List, Klaus, Pierre, Richard, Jacque, Heather, and Kevin,

bla bla bla
> I almost wet my pants, Richard, very good one :-)

ok so this should make me angry and challenge me to respond in a
most innapropriate way probably. I dont want to damage you...

Sorry to disappoint you, i dont live in technologically perfect country that
should only offer perfect service and keyboards or networks. 

Reality is only in the eyes of the beholder! Meaning is in the mind of the
careful reader.

I too can play on tone of expression. But instead of sineous language curves
I've been direct and we dont want a war on words or culture. RunRev is the
talk here!


If I had a complain it was about the Geometry manager and how I didn't get
any support after a month of serious and heavy complaining - maybe my
english is not clear enough? How my stacks are all blocked and how I can't
stand resizing a stack anymore? Desperate means really desperate! 30 days
over each day after day...

Kevin, I know you are busy. I didn't know how support is related to
Bugzillas. I appologize for the bad vibe. But as the bug owner, some kind of
feedback is required - and your answers have not been satisfactory - please
delegate this if you can't handle a blocker. Prove the customer is wrong
before word it. Saying the customer is wrong really drove back the
antimatter in the system. Pushed me to find this bug. Still no answer...



If you didn't see it that way, it's not my problem, check your browser's
configuration or GPS. I know im nuts or different or weird or whatever...
see my intentions, not my wording. What is the language for anyway? Pierre,
that's for you, not as a rant as most would read it but as a 2nd degree
praise to your statement of Klaus gracious command of the french finest and
more vulgar language i've seen on this list!


I can't express myself is probably true... after all, how do I guess your
attitute towards the language?


Please, write to me directly what you think, get it out, beach me out if you
want, I only want to learn! Meanwhile my bug remains an invisible torn in
your stacks if they are affected and you know it! 

If I had 500 downloads that have this problem, how many customers do we all
have with this bug? Shouldn't we be happy it's going to be gone and we call
all use the GM safely instead of spending hours programming our own when one
is already working and available? Progress man! Progress...



Leave poor Heather and Jacque out of this, they are kindest persons in this
maillist who do not ask better to help. We all make mistakes. Serious
apologies to Jacque who I never meant to agress - just her statement that
was alarming in an alarming time! 

Heather, it seems you will have maybe a bit more work but it should be more
direct and helpfull thanks to your clarifications. Talk to you on Monday
regarding a windows 2003 problem for my enterprise license...


I did what I thought was right as a customer, and as a responsible
developper as a desperate means of getting some kind of help to unblock my
situation which looks answerless still. 

OK, after a month of resizing controls each time, how much patience do you
think YOU have? Richard, you'll love this one as a vacation past-time.
Instead of Malta come to cloudy cold Luxembourg and

Like I told Chipp...

>> Or, just rewrite the parts you need (like the rest of us do).

> Reconstructing stacks so far: 
>- discrete browser: 400 controls stack rebuilds: 3 times
>- controls browser: 4 rebuilds - 2000 resizings of controls approx.
>- ClipperX unknown
>- WinN2O: 2 rebuilds - 200 resizes
>- PropN2O: 5 rebuilds at least - too many resizes, it was rescripted after
a while.

Those are not the only stacks either... It's easy and cheapp to say too
after you're committed into not using one feature that is troubles for
others... Maybe I complain and rant a lot less than I should! But thanks to
Chipp who offered his own GM manager. This is a control that i dream to
write on day!

But it's a feature that's been paid for, it doesn't work, it creates
problems for me and for you. How many of you use the GM? And what's been
most blatant is other experts (some involved in RR) telling me to write my
own GM manager! 

Please evolve beyond rewriting the wheel! 

Should I scrip my own? No, it's a feature. Not documented in the rev docs
that I could find. But Chipp has an great tutorial if you didn't
know - and Chipp proves at his last line of that web page that im not that
all wrong, see for yourself!.

Need I make my case stronger?


Maybe you'll be happy that the more than 100 bugzillas I've posted are all
in your benefit for a better RunRev. 

And all the tips I write on this mailist to save support or you, Richard
from an answer to the list.

Take half an hour to 2 hours to document each bugzilla when necessary and
multiply to see my ROI and yours. I charge zero, you dont! Take 3 hours to
write to Kevin each time. Yes, Im glad your customers enjoy a better runrev!
And yes, I like to help! I write software to enhance your RevExperience
farther, do i get any bugs or complains regarding those? Less than 5 persons
in total! Did I get any support from you, Richard, about this? You dont even
link to my site! Nice effort on your part for linking and hypertext of the
hypertext community! 


Richard, your recommendation that I switch IDEs is already an obsolete and
unsafe in the least...

California has too few resources, water is too expensive, and although it
has good wine, it has also too many lawsuits, too many restrictions, too
many actors and literally no safe tectonics and definitely too much
violence, gettos, taxes, polution, or homeless people. Last time I was in

What can I say more? I am glad I and you could voice opinions on this in
this list, really. I'll remain a loyal RR user and evangelist, and i'll
gladly update any mention of your site on XOS will come to
RunRev too, it's innevitable. We will beat the Moft empire together, but not
apart! Meanwhile I still can't resize me stacks!


Richard, Klaus, je vous embrasse tous les deux!
J & H, big hug for your effort as usual
Pierre, si j'ai fait un faute, c'est normal!
Kevin, I hope you see my light... Please help!
Now, can we all get back to programming?
Community, you get better runrev soon again!


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