
I have a stack I worked on for several days, but appears to be corrupted. According to RR, I should try to open the backup file. I have several from different stages of development, but all give the same error. It contains a lot of lay-outed text and a few small PNGs in the file. I suspect the pictures to cause the problem. I imported the images in the morning and I saved the stack several times without any problem (so there is no ~stackname.rev file). Only the stacks cannot be reopened. That is why all the backup files of that day are corrupted as well.

I've had corrupted stacks before after importing pictures to them before when trying to open image-containing stacks on a Windows machine, so I thought it was just a cross-platform problem (since I am a Mac OSX user).

Strangely enough, attempt #2 of course didn't contain these pictures, but also became corrupted.

Is there anything I can do to save some work from these corrupted files?

BTW, the file size became surprisingly large; although it contains about 10 Mb of data I can think of, the file size is almost 48 Mb.


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