It is getting stranger and weirder now.

I made small sample files of the audio file in all formats I can save to
like au, mov, avi, wav, aif. and I installed a newer version of the media player
and in the media player I can play everything exept the aif file.

I made a little test stack so I can pick a file for the runrev player to play.
The only file it can play is avi. Next I noticed it can play the file as long
as it is shorter than 3 min. If the track is 3.15 min I hear no sound.
The disc light shows some activity but I hear nothing. I tried this with the always
buffer on and off, it makes no difference.
I also tried it with another file. A cd disc track also converted to avi, it plays aslong
as it doesn't exceed a bit over 4 min. The file I need to play is 7.20 min
The file is 16-bit Little Endian, stereo, 44,1 kHz, 16 bits. The datarate is 172.3 K bytes/sec
I also tried to downsample the file to 22,05 kHz but more than 3 mins it won't play.

The trouble is the audio is quite critical and compressing it to MP3 gives to many
artifacts. (unless I find a much better compressor which I am gonna try next.
I seem to be running out of options for the moment)

Tomorrow I will try setting the dontUseQt as first thing that happens, as Jeffrey sugested,
at the moment a couple of other routines get called first. I hope it makes a different but it's to weird.

best wishes

On Thursday, November 25, 2004, at 10:26 AM, Klaus Major wrote:

Dag Claudi

Hi Troy,

Yes I try to play it in a player object. I also tried to play it with the
play "user/thisFolder/myaudioFile" command, which will sort of play the audio
though it will produce also the strangest cracking and distortion which is
absolutly unusable.

It is also strange I have the controls set to showing and on the mac I see them
alright but on windows I don't see them at all. The player is just a rectangle with no controls
or the like.

The "controller bar" is a QuickTime only feature, you get nothing on windoze, obviously :-)

I wil now try importing the file (75 Mb) and see if play audioclip will work.

Please don't!

That will result in the same hellish noise as the "play ac ..." command and indicates that
that file is a compressed wav file...

Can you open that file in QuickTime Player and check the information about the fileformat?
Maybe then we could see a bit clearer...

If nothing helps, try to convert that file to e.g. MP3 format, which should be playable inside
a player even on windoze without QT...

Still hoping to find a solution

best wishes


"player objects" versus "play ac...":
Player objects... that use QT, which although much slower and more memory intensive can
play many more formats than the default play command which uses low-level
sound routines in Win32 and MacOS which don't support compression.

Posted 9/2/2002 by Scott Raney to the MetaCard List

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