
I'm trying to get my stack to read (and put chunks of data into flds & variables) from a text file when the stack opens.

Commands such as:
        open file myFile.txt (I'm using the fullpath)
        read line x from file myFile.txt until eof
        put line 1 of it into fld myField
        put line 2 of it into myVariable

in both "on OpenStack" and "on PreOpenStack" handlers (they are located in the stack script) result in no activity when I exit and reopen the stack.

Funny thing is;
IF I type "Openstack" or "PreOpenstack" into the message box and hit enter-- after opening the stack...
it works beautifully!

I also want the stack to write to the same file on when the user quits (I'm using "on closestack" and this handler is in the same stack script) and it works!

I'm using Revolution 2.5 - on a Mac with OSX.
I'm getting the same behavior in:
        run mode in Rev
        run mode in Rev when Developer Tools suppressed
        and in Dreamcard Player

Can anyone tell me what's going on?-- or rather why my handlers are being ignored?



-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Steve Bonham Director, Faculty Technology Development Laboratory Center for Excellence in Teaching - Georgia Southern University Statesboro, GA 30460-8143 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _______________________________________________ use-revolution mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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