On Dec 13, 2004, at 11:53 AM, Frank D. Engel, Jr. wrote:

You might try something like this, making the obvious substitution for the app title and fixing your trigger conditions, etc. (this works for me in a button script, I click the button and switch apps, shortly after which Rev automatically brings itself to the front):

on mouseUp
wait for 20 sec
do "tell application " & quote & "Revolution" & quote & "to activate" as appleScript
end mouseUp

That works in a regular app, but oddly not in one called from the command line. They seem stuck in the background. I've tried using the script editor so there's no issue of improper applescript -- if the app is double-clicked, then you can make it come to the front with an applescript call. If it was called from the command line, seemingly nothing will make it come to the front.

There's also the issue what to do on the PC. I've seen Ken Ray's excellent suggestion on his tips page:


but I was hoping for a Rev-native solution. And his uses AppleScript on the mac, which seemingly doesn't work on a commadline app.

So: if anyone has any suggestions for a native solution on the PC, bring 'em on. On the Mac side, I'm going over the AppleScript list to see if they have an answer to the won't-come-forward issue.


Geoff Canyon

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