There are differences between the two computers.

summarized ... these are

home vs work
developer vs player
no QT vs QT
MAForums OK (dev & player) vs - MAForums not OK
(i.e. does open, but does not return data to the form from the MA Forum, when clicking on the Load button.)

Given that set of differences, and a problem with an app that retrieves stuff from the Internet, my first guess would be a corporate firewall issue. I haven't looked at the app (couldn't see it on Sarah's site from the description - could you give me a URL please). But even if it "only" does HTTP "get"s, it's possible to get firewall problems.

This stack was part of a tutorial I wrote for revJournal. Here is the URL: <>

It doesn't use QuickTime and only contains 1 graphic which is the "chasing arrows" animated gif from the standard image library. The only thing it needs is the internet library as it downloads web pages using "put URL ..." and displays others using "revGoURL".


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