On 12/11/04 1:11 PM, "Andre Garzia" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi folks,
> been a while since my last post, the problem was that due to a huge
> misfortune, after I arrived from Malta I got my good arm broken and my
> tonsils started waging war on me, so I was put to bed for couple
> weeks,

Oh, man, Andre! Glad to see you're feeling better, but also sorry to hear
about your misfortune.

> I am not alright but I begun to master typeing with my blind
> right hand and begun wondering:
> a) Is the premonitional external out?

No, but everyone will know about it before it is released... ;-)

> b) did we reached 2.6 while I was in bed?

Nope! We're still working on 2.5.1.

> c) Anyone here got the recipe for Maltese Ftira?

Sure! Here it is:


Feel better,

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web site: http://www.sonsothunder.com/

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