At 02:01 19/12/2004 -0800, Chipp Walters wrote:

Hi Richard,

I've found this to work well:

function isConnectedToInternet pURL
  if pURL is empty then put ""; into pURL
  get URL pURL

There is a potential problem with this approach, which can be avoided by using numeric IP addresses rather than host names. Using a host name will cause the Rev app to block for 10-30 seconds while it waits for a DNS response (see BZ 2117 for details - Mark W.'s solution is a non-blocking ping)

This problem happens to me all the time, because I use my laptop connected to an ethernet which connects to the internet through another computer using a dial-up line, and the dial-up is often disconnected. Laptop thinks it has a connection (the ethernet is up) and thinks it has DNS servers it can reach (because the main computer acts as a DNS proxy) - but when it queries a host name, it is blocked until the DNS response times out.

if your user is not connected, they will probably get an 'invalid host'
answer. Testing against google seems always to work for me. I figure, if
they can't get to google, then they can't get to my server.

Google has been the target of a number of DoS attacks, so there have been at least two occasions when large parts of the net couldn't get an answer from Google, but could have done from you.

-- Alex.
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