Thanks for your quick answer.

I had already test the method 1.
I have tried everything you told me to do (method 2) and it still does not

The dialog box in preopenstack is always empty.

Best regards.

Jean-Claude SERRANO
ELP Informatique

Le 22/12/04 16:57, « Trevor DeVore » <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit :

> On Dec 22, 2004, at 3:18 AM, Jean-Claude SERRANO wrote:
>> I have an application developed in revolution.
>> This application works with a database Valentina.
>> The Connection to the database is good by using Revolution on Mac OS X.
>> But, I can¹t connect to the database in the standalone version.
>> Can somebody help me?
> Oui, on peut vous aider.
> When you build a standalone you need to make the database dll/bundles
> available to your standalone executable.  There are a couple of ways to
> do this.
> Method 1: Use the Standalone Builder
> If you are using Rev 2.5 (maybe 2.2 as well, I don't remember) then you
> configure your standalone application by selecting "Standalone
> Application Settings..." from the file menu or the Application Browser
> contextual menu.  From the "General" section select the "Database
> Support" checkbox and select "Valentina".  In theory this should place
> all the files you need for database connectivity in the folder the
> Standalone Builder puts your executable in.  I haven't tried it for
> Valentina but I know it doesn't work for MySQL in 2.5.
> Method 2: Do it manually
> This is my preferred method.  Once you understand how everything works
> it isn't too hard and you can place the required database files
> anywhere you would like.  I'm an organization freak so this suits me
> nicely :-)
> When working with databases and Revolution you generally need two
> externals whether working on OS X or Windows.  The first is
> revdb.dll/.bundle which is the database abstraction external for
> Revolution.  When you call a handler such as revOpenDatabase you are
> using this external.  You can find these files in the
> "components/global environment/" folder in your Revolution application
> folder.
> The second file is the database external itself, in your case
> VXCMD_macho/VXCMD.dll.  These files are located in "components/global
> environment/database_drivers/MacOSX/" and "components/global
> environment/database_drivers/Win32/".
> To begin with you must copy these files in a location where your
> executable will easily be able to find them.  Here is what I do:
> ./myExecutable.exe
> ./data/externals/revdb.dll
> ./data/externals/revdb.bundle
> ./data/externals/VXCMD_macho
> ./data/externals/VXCMD.dll
> Now that the files are in the proper location you need to tell your
> executable where to find the files.  This requires two steps.  First
> you need to set the externals property of the stack used to make your
> standalone so the engine knows where to find revdb.dll/.bundle.  Second
> you need to set the the database driver path using
> revSetDatabaseDriverPath.
> Though there are other ways to set externals property of a stack the
> most straightforward way is to set the externals in the "startup"
> handler that is called when your executable launches.  You could put
> something like this in your stack script:
> on startup
> local tExternals = ""
> put sys_AppPath() & "/data/externals/revdb.dll" &cr into tExternals
> put sys_AppPath() & "/data/externals/revdb.bundle" after tExternals
> set the externals of this stack to tExternals
> pass startup
> end startup
> /**
>   * Set the database driver path.
>   */
> on preOpenStack
> answer the externalPackages of this stack
> revSetDatabaseDriverPath (sys_AppPath() & "/data/externals/")
> pass preOpenStack
> end preOpenStack
> /**
>   * Returns the path to the executable.
>   */
> function sys_AppPath
>    local tPath = ""
>    put address into tPath
>    set itemDel to ":"
>    delete item 1 of tPath
>    return tPath
> end sys_AppPath
> This code will set the externals of the stack and display a dialog box
> showing which external packages are available to the stack.  If
> everything went as planned then the dialog box should display "RevDB".
> Hopefully this will get you started.  If you aren't using revDB and are
> just accessing Valentina directly using the XCMD then you would do
> things slightly differently.  If this is the case then let me know I
> can explain how to do that.
> Hope this helps,

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