Hooray! :) :) :)
I just completed the transaction, upgrading from Dreamcard to Rev
Studio as well as ordering a copy of Dan Shafer's "Software at the
speed of thought". Taking advantage of the Christmas special, I know
that I got a really great deal on an already great product and look
forward to trying out the AltBrowser and Magic Carpet products as
well. (I'm a genuine browser-head and have enjoyed building several
using other development tools.)

As I think I've mentioned before, I've been following the development
progress of Rev off and on from it's very first release and finally
decided to dive in. Hat's off to the Rev development team for an
amazing product!

I'd also like to again say thank you to all of the fantastic folks
that participate on the list for all of the great help and advice to
newb's like myself. Although Rev is so much different than any other
programming tool/language I've ever used, you good folks have given me
the confidence that I'll be able to learn and prosper with it.

Much appreciated!

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