What is the perpendicular distance between a point and a line?

Application for which there is no redeeming social value:

Create a line graphic "line" and an oval graphic "circle"
Put the following script into a transparent radio button
and then drag that button.

local myName, p2,p3

on mouseDown
  put the name of me into myName
  put the points of grc "line" into tPoints
  put line 1 of tPoints into p2
  put line 2 of tPoints into p3
end mouseDown

on mouseUP
put "" into myName
end mouseUP

on mouseLeave
end mouseLeave

on mouseMove u,v
  if myName is "" then exit mouseMove
  set the loc of me to u,v
  put u,v into p1
  put  abs(perpDist(p1,p2,p3)) into tRadius
  set the loc of grc "circle" to u,v
  set the width of grc "circle" to 2*tRadius
  set the height of  grc "circle" to 2*tRadius
end mouseMove

function perpDist p1,p2,p3
  --Returns the perpendicular distance
  --between point p1 and the line with
  --end points p2 and p3
  put item 1 of p1 into x1
  put item 2 of p1 into y1
  put item 1 of p2 into x2
  put item 2 of p2 into y2
  put item 1 of p3 into x3
  put item 2 of p3 into y3

  if x3-x2 is 0 then
    return (x1-x2)
    put (y3-y2)/(x3-x2) into m -- The slope
    return (m*(x1-x2)-(y1-Y2))/sqrt(1+m*m)
  end if

end perpDist

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