On Sat, 08 Jan 2005 23:50:18 -0600, Ken Ray wrote:
> On 1/8/05 3:14 PM, "duane poncy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Thanks Ken. This is a helpful bit of code.

I finally got the mp3 to show up in the standalone, but it 
was by
putting it in the same directory as the standalone 
and not inside of the bundle itself. This will work for me,
as the mp3 doesn't need to be in the bundle.

Thanks everyone. 

> The problem with OS X is that the default directory is the folder that
> contains the *engine* (inside the bundle in Contents/MacOS/), not the folder
> that contains the *bundle* which is what appears to the user as the
> application. 
> I use the following function in the preOpenStack handler of the stack that
> is the one that is built into the standalone to always set the directory to
> where the *bundle* is (for OS X), or where the executable is (for Windows),
> or where the stack is (if running under the IDE):
> on preOpenStack
>   set the directory to stsMyFolder()
> end preOpenStack
> function stsMyFolder
>   put the filename of this stack into tPath
>   set the itemDel to "/"
>   if (the platform = "MacOS") and isOSX() and \
>     (the environment <> "development") then
>     delete item -4 to -1 of tPath
>     return tPath
>   else
>     return item 1 to -2 of tPath
>   end if
> end stsMyFolder
> function isOSX
>   set the itemDel to "."
>   return (item 1 of the systemVersion >=10)
> end isOSX
> HTH,
> Ken Ray
> Sons of Thunder Software
> Web site: http://www.sonsothunder.com/
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