James Hurley wrote: > In OS 9, I get a blur of numbers displayed in the field--this is fine > and what I would expect. > > In OS X I get a discrete sequence of 4 numbers displayed. This is the > same kind of herky-jerky behavior I found with graphics display in OS > X (but not in OS 9.) > > (As before, the problem is resolved by adding a line in the repeat > loop: wait 0 millisec, or unlock screen. But it runs much more > slowly.) Richard Gaskin wrote: Welcome the to the Quartz rendering engine.

Many apps, including the Finder, have update delays.   These do not
occur with the Classic or XP versions of the engine.

There may be additional things RunRev could do to force redraw updates,
but I'm not sure if under the hood it would do much more than "wait 0
with messages" -- forcing a redraw with Quartz' 16-layer compositing
will always slow things down.  Sure, you may not actually need 16-layer
compositing, but gosh isn't it pretty?  After all, it it's too slow
Apple has an answer:  buy a faster dual-processor machine. ;)

Richard et. al.,

Thanks Richard. This is what I needed to know. It's not often that the problem is not at my end.

I think I'll ask RunRev to see if they can do something.

I'm not concerned about the refresh in fields. That's not something I need. (I put it to the list only as a very simple example of the refresh problem.) But there is a real problem with the graphics update.

I was trying to update the web site (jamesphurley.com) for my book on which I have OS 9 and Windows applications which illustrate a few issue discussed in the book. I wanted to include an OS X standalone. One example that illustrates how the responsiveness of RR has deteriorated in OS X can be seen from the application demonstrating the nature of temperature.

In the message box: go url "http://home.infostations.net/jhurley/Temperature.rev";

In OS 9, as one moves the small red and blue buttons on the energy axis, the motions is smooth and the mouse stays with the buttons. In OS X the responsive is sluggish and the buttons quickly lag behind the mouse. I will have to see if I can't improve the code.

I am running  a G4 PB; I can't imagine what this looks like on slower machines.

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