Paul Salyers wrote:

How is this statement wrote in Rev,

len(right(number, 3)

this in VB will take the number ex:

number = "12345678"

and cut it down to

number = "678"

starting at the right and give you the first 3 numbers.

I need to do this in Rev.

I searched "len" and got

put char (length(it) - 3) to (length(it)) of it into myExtension

but don't understand what it means.


The thing you need to know about Run Rev is that it treats a string of characters like words or numbers depending on the context. For example

If you write:

        Put 123 & 456 into theResult

Then theResult is 123456

If you write:

        put 123 * 456 into theResult

Then the result is 56088

If you write:

        Put char 1 to 4 of  123*456

Then theReuslt is 56088

Which is confusing. But if you

        put char 1 to 4 of (123*456) into theResult

Then theResult is 5608

Which is what you might hope for.

Moral: Don't abuse flexibility.

I think the function you want is:

function rightCharacters tNum,howMany
  put the number of chars in tNum into tNumChars
  return char -(tNumChars-howMany) to -1 of tNum
end rightCharacters

Notice: You  count characters from the right as -1, -2, -3 etc.

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