Hi Dwane,

> I am using the following code to generate a field of 6 random numbers.
> repeat 5 times --generate list of 5 random numbers between 1-10
> put random(10) & "," after tRnum
> end repeat
> delete last char of tRnum --delete last comma
> put tRnum into fld "numbers"
> this works fine but some numbers are repeated in the field, e.g (1,2,3,1,5)
> How can I include only unique numbers?

function uniqueRandomNumberList listEntryCount, maxListNumber -- You would pass "5,10"
if listEntryCount < 1 then return empty
put empty into numberList
put empty into returnValue
repeat with x = 1 to maxListNumber
put x&return after numberList
end repeat
get the random of maxListNumber
put line it of numberList after returnValue
delete line it of numberList
subtract 1 from listEntryCount
if listEntryCount < 1 then return returnValue
put comma after returnValue
subtract 1 from maxListNumber
end repeat
end uniqueRandomNumberList

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